Step Eleven – Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
- Share
- AA Service
- Stop Drinking
- How do we explain to other people why we decided not to drink?
- What is our experience with aches, pains, sleeplessness or other physical symptoms in early sobriety?
- What was our experience of the first 10 days sober?
- What medical or other help did we need to initially stop drinking?
- How did we cope with the initial withdrawal from alcohol?
- Step One
- What does it feel like to have a craving for more after the first drink?
- What smashed the delusion we were like other people?
- How did our drinking affect other people?
- Why do we need complete abstinence from alcohol?
- How is our drinking different from the average drinker?
- Why did we decide to stop drinking?
- What lies did we tell about our drinking?
- What are some personal examples of having no defence against the first drink?
- When did we start to realise we drink differently to others?
- How did we learn our drinking was abnormal?
- What was the last straw that made us decide to stop drinking?
- How did we try to hide our alcoholic drinking?
- How do I know I'm an alcoholic?
- How has our drinking made our lives unmanageable?
- What convinced us we were powerless over alcohol?
- What did we lose because of our drinking?
- Step Two
- When did we find hope?
- When did we realise that the drinking problem could be solved?
- How do we keep an open mind on spiritual ideas?
- What does the AA program promise?
- Why do we need a Higher Power?
- What convinced us to try AA's 12 step program?
- How did we choose our own conception of God?
- Where did we find hope?
- How did we come to believe in a power greater than ourselves?
- What convinced us that the AA program could work for us?
- Step Three
- What old ideas did we need to let go?
- What was our experience when taking step three?
- What are we deciding to do when we take Step Three?
- How did we become willing to take step three?
- What was the effect of taking Step Three?
- When were we ready to start the housecleaning steps?
- What did we do to start living on a spiritual basis?
- Step Four
- How are resentments dangerous to our sobriety?
- What made us balk at writing our Step Four inventory?
- What did we learn about ourselves in our step four inventory?
- What fears did we discover while taking inventory?
- Why is inventory necessary?
- How do we ensure our fourth step inventory is fearless and thorough?
- Step Five
- What did we gain by sharing our inventory with another person?
- How did we choose the person or people to hear our inventory?
- What did we discover about ourselves while sharing our inventory?
- What was our experience when sharing our secrets with someone in the fifth step?
- How did we overcome our reluctance to share our inventory with another person?
- Step Six
- Step Seven
- Step Eight
- Step Nine
- Step Ten
- What growth have we gained by practicing Step Ten?
- How do we deal with new resentments when they crop up?
- When did we feel that the drink problem had been removed (as promised in step ten)?
- How do we watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment and fear?
- How do we turn our thoughts to someone we can help?
- Step Eleven
- Step Twelve
- How is Step Twelve important to our sobriety?
- What are the joys of working with others?
- What practical advice do we offer to a newcomer who is struggling to stop drinking?
- How do we describe AA to someone who has never been to a meeting?
- What do we tell newcomers about our struggles to stop drinking?
- What solution are we offering to newcomers?
- How do we know we have had the ‘spiritual awakening’ promised in Step 12?
- Can an atheist have a spiritual awakening?
- What message do we pass on to newcomers in AA?
- AA Life
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